Event Notes
Here is every note in its raw, unedited, typo filled glory. These aren’t not here to replace your notes, they’re here to help you fill in the gaps if you missed a key detail.
Past Events
Some people learn best by listening intently, others need to watch what's happening live. If that's your style and it's doesn't line up with taking incredibly detailed notes, this page is for you. I learn best by typing what I hear, I've been this way ever since I first picked up playing the piano at 4 years old.
These notes are going to be as complete as I can make them. Typed by hand, live at the event (shout out to the #notewatchers viewing live!) so you can focus on learning how you need to. Then come back here and use these to fill in the gaps in your notes. It's all here. Every thing I've typed. You'll catch the little notes to me that keep me focused as we go.
There is no artificial intelligence tool listening in, it's Mike and his trusty keyboard. I hope you find these useful and relevant so you can get into action quickly.
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